Eco-friendly pest control solutions from Pheromone Chemicals

Pheromone Traps are used for agriculture pest control. They are used for monitoring and mass trapping of insect pests. They are eco-friendly, they attract and catch only target insect species, doesn’t harm other beneficial insects. As such  they are very important in farming as a pest monitoring tool and are a very important tool in organic farming.

Our story

Buy from leaders, buy with confidence.

Pheromone chemicals is the most trusted brand in pheromone field in India. Our products are highly recommended in crops like Chillies, Cotton, Tea gardens, Tobacco and vegetables where certain insecticides are banned for export of end produce from India.

We are leading manufacturers of Pheromone Traps and Lures in India with more than 40, 000 direct customers including ICRISAT, Indian Institute of Rice Research, Spices Boad, Tobacco Board, CIPMC centres allover India, Mcleod Russel, Amalgamated Plantations, NBAIR, KVK and Agricultural Research stations located allover India. Infact, ours is the only company in India having dedicated retail outlets for marketing of Pheromone Traps in India.


First Indian company to start commercial manufacture of Sticky traps in 2006.


First Indian company to introduce lures for Spodoptera frugiperda in May 2018

More than 40,000 customers

First and only Indian company to have more than 40,000 customers in field of pheromones.

Dedicated Retail outlets

Only company in India having dedicated retail outlets for direct marketing of Pheromone Traps and Lures.